Quintessential Americanism (defined)

A few weeks ago I watched The Newsroom pilot for the first time and the title character is asked an utterly American question, ‘Why do you think America is the greatest country?’ — his response — ‘It’s not’ and in true Aaron Sorkin form offered a whole lot of information to support the argument. I had … Continue reading

10 Things Most Americans Don’t Know About America

This is a great piece that sums it up…. Since living abroad, I’ve fielded so many questions/ comments like, “An American once asked me where I lived, I told them in Frankfurt Germany and he said, ‘Great — I’ve been there, I really enjoyed Belgium’”, or asking why we seem to hate poor people, how … Continue reading

Tyranny of the minority – geez it’s embarrassing

Yesterday in on of the most ridiculous Senate votes, the US Senate rejected background checks for gun sales by a vote of 54-46 — no, 54 Senators did not vote against the bill only 46 did. Let that sink in — because Harry Reid, Democratic Majority leader did not push to get rid of the … Continue reading

REPOST: Boston Baseless Speculation, & Celebrating Goodness

The following is a really nice summary and critique of the craziness in reporting and social media following this week’s explosions in Boston…. I definitely recommend checking out Cogent Comment if you like the flavor, tenor, and directions of my ranting. 🙂 _________________________________________________ Boston, Baseless Speculation, and Celebrating Goodness April 16, 2013 – Hot Topics – Tagged: Alex Jones, bombing, Boston Marathon, Chris … Continue reading

Gay marriage, Japanese Internment, and Interracial Marriage

As the Supreme Court gets ready to hear arguments on California’s Proposition 8 — banning gay marriage, we should probably reflect on why it matters to any of us. The reason it matters is obvious if you’re gay or lesbian — this directly affects your life. For the rest of us, the question is a … Continue reading

An open letter to rabid 2nd Amendment defenders…

Dear Rabid American Gun Owners: I know a lot of people in the US are worked up about any limitation on what they consider to be an absolute right to gun ownership. In particular, Colorado’s new laws on gun ownership have been sending the social media world (since I’m not in the US, I don’t … Continue reading